Name Boats Last known start
Robert Shewan
Robert Sjögren As a helmsman in 2023 in the SWE 505 Cup 4 on 9062
Robert Stallard As a crew in 2001 in the Open Meeting on 0
Robert Steinke As a helmsman in 2005 in the Travemünder Woche on 8470
Robert Sutherland
Robert Temple As a crew in 2022 in the Ovington Inland Championship on 8497
Robert Tennant As a helmsman in 2023 in the World Championship on 9216
Robert Terbrugge As a crew in 2019 in the Canadian Championship on 8288
Robert Trickett As a helmsman in 1988 in the UK National Championship on 7939
Robert von Gruenewaldt As a crew in 2023 in the South Africa Nationals on 8445
Robert Voyer As a helmsman in 2020 in the FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) on 7776
Robert Voyer ’
Robert Waters
Robert Wegerif As a crew in 2003 in the Charity Regatta on 7722
Robert Wilkes As a crew in 1988 in the UK National Championship on 8087
Robert Wisolek As a helmsman in 2019 in the Walchensee Pokal on 8862
Robert Woelfel As a crew in 2006 in the World Championship on 8554
Robert Woodman As a crew in 2000 in the Australian National Championships on 8738
Robert Wyatt
Robert Yeamans