Name Boats Last known start
Rob McCrystal As a crew in 2001 in the Highvelds on 7525
Rob McKanna
Rob Mulder
Rob Palmerone As a crew in 1985 in the UK National Championship on 6794
Rob Putman
Rob Robinson As a helmsman in 1996 in the Hampton Annual on 7569
Rob Rooke
Rob Shaw
Rob Sjostedt As a helmsman in 2010 in the International Sportboat Anarchy Festival on 8995
Rob Sutherland As a crew in 1997 in the Euro Cup – Riva del Garda on 8555
Rob Waterman As a helmsman in 2024 in the E. E. Manning Regatta on 9083
Rob Willcox As a helmsman in 2004 in the North Vaal Championship on 8340
Rob Woelfel As a crew in 2024 in the Euro Cup – Saint Raphaël on 9266
Robbie Robbinet
Robbie Roberton As a crew in 1983 in the UK National Championship on 7307
Robbie van Landingham As a helmsman in 1999 in the North American Championship on 7151
Robbie Willcox As a helmsman in 2009 in the North Vaal Championship on 7682
Robert A. Laird
Robert A. Vlengels
Robert Ahlheid As a crew in 1998 in the UK National Championship on 8245