Name Boats Last known start
Werner Müller As a helmsman in 1992 in the Swiss Championship on 8003
Wes Harnish As a crew in 2010 in the North American Championship on 8600
Whit Duncan As a helmsman in 2015 in the Wickford Regatta on 8184
Whitney Hayes As a helmsman in 2020 in the Carl Miller Regatta on 8939
Wiclif McCready
Wiebke Gewinn As a crew in 2019 in the Herbstpokal on 8775
Wiebke Siemsen As a helmsman in 2016 in the Culix Cup on 9057
Wiebke Waldheim As a helmsman in 2005 in the Pfingstregatta on 8204
Wiik Raittila
Wiktoria Lasek As a crew in 2019 in the Lotos Nord Cup on 8359
Wilde Roland As a helmsman in 2003 in the Ligue on 0
Wilen twins
Wilfried Stuis As a helmsman in 2015 in the Oktoberfestpreis on 8697
Wilfried W. Stuis As a helmsman in 2010 in the Kieler Woche on 8697
Wilhelm Johannisson As a crew in 2019 in the Pre-Worlds on 8547
Wilhelm Wollenbecker As a helmsman in 2024 in the Goitzsche Spring Cup on 9054
Will Froux As a crew in 1999 in the World Championship on 7647
Will Gunzburg As a helmsman in 2002 in the Pre-Worlds on 7984
Will Hartje As a crew in 1997 in the North American Championship on 6931
Will Hundahl As a crew in 2017 in the East Coast Championship on 8641