Name Boats Last known start
Tom Brewer As a helmsman in 2011 in the World Championship on 8173
Tom Burgin
Tom Burnard As a crew in 2014 in the Canadian Championship on 8453
Tom Clayton As a helmsman in 2007 in the UK National Championship on 8678
Tom Connell As a crew in 2011 in the World Championship on 8395
Tom Cook As a crew in 1997 in the Pacific Coast Championship on 3246
Tom Darling As a helmsman in 2018 in the Championnat de France on 8970
Tom Fink As a crew in 2013 in the North American Championship on 8808
Tom Fisher As a helmsman in 2005 in the South African National Championship on 7278
Tom Fox
Tom Gosch As a helmsman in 2023 in the Wittensee Fight on 9149
Tom Harris
Tom Hastenpflug As a helmsman in 2023 in the SWE 505 Cup 4 on 9092
Tom Hurwitch As a crew in 2020 in the East Coast Championship on 8930
Tom Janidlo As a crew in 2011 in the FAntastic Nepean FAll REgatta (FANFARE) on 8735
Tom Jeffcoate As a helmsman in 2022 in the Fireball Inlands & 505 Open on 9177
Tom Kassberg As a helmsman in 2009 in the World Championship on 8842
Tom Lindström As a crew in 1992 in the European Championship on 8229
Tom Losordo
Tom Mason