8576 Boat detailsYear of building1995Hull manufacturerWaterat Sailing EquipmentColors OwnersBob Noise & Terry NeffRegatta listDownloadYearNameHelmsmanCrewPlace (of)2025World ChampionshipMike PunnettBlaine Pedlow28 (70)2025Spring DinghyMike PunnettPaul von Grey3 (9)2024Cinco de 5o5Mike PunnettThomas Crawford43 (12)2024North American ChampionshipMike PunnettDon Smith14 (27)2024Mike PunnettBlaine Pedlow35 (0)2024E. E. Manning RegattaMike PunnettDon Smith4 (12)2024Pre-WorldsMike PunnettBlaine Pedlow35 (70)2024Pacific Coast ChampionshipMike PunnettBlaine Pedlow5 (17)2024Stuart SinclairMike PunnettCarol Punnett3 (17)2023Bellingham 505 RegattaMike PunnettDrew Punnett3 (10)2023June RegattaMike Punnett8 (15)2023Pacific Coast ChampionshipMike PunnettDon Smith7 (20)2023World ChampionshipMike PunnettRich Mundell24 (59)2023Stuart SinclairMike PunnettRich Mundell1 (15)2023Columbia Gorge One-Design RegattaMike PunnettRich Mundell6 (18)2023Pre-Worlds & North American ChampionshipMike PunnettRich Mundell21 (60)2022Spring RegattaMike PunnettKeahi Ho8 (12)2022Pacific Coast ChampionshipMike Punnett10 (26)2022Elvstrom ZellerbachMike PunnettDon Smith5 (12)2022MidwintersMike PunnettRich Mundell3 (26)2022North American ChampionshipMike PunnettRich Mundell12 (33)2022Bellingham June 505 RegattaMike PunnettDrew Punnett2 (7)2021Fall DinghyMike PunnettRich Mundell3 (7)2021Harris Bay Intergalactic 505 RegattaMike PunnettCarol Punnett4 (12)2021Pacific Coast Championship – Columbia Gorge One-Design RegattaMike PunnettDon Smith7 (10)2019Dale Jepsen One-Design RegattaRobert NoyesMike Punnett5 (16)2016Dale Jepsen One-Design RegattaBob NoyesMike Punnett2 (21)2001Newport CreameryAndy Herlihy9 (13)2001North American ChampionshipAndy HerlihyAndrew Buttner11 (35)1998Richmond High Performance InvitationalBob NoyesBill Beardslee9 (14)1998World ChampionshipTerry NeffBob Noyes53 (106)1998ABYC Memorial Day RegattaBob NoyesBill Beardslee9 (12)1998Pre-Worlds & North American ChampionshipTerry NeffBob Noyes33 (90)1997Pacific Coast ChampionshipBob NoyesBill Beardslee14 (19)1997North American ChampionshipTerry NeffBob Noyes18 (35)1996East Coast ChampionshipTerry NeffMark Bellerman13 (28)I know more and I want to fill form